Who we help

The DHL UK Foundation is a UK registered charity that believes all children and young people should be supported to reach their potential and grow into the best person they can be.

As part of our vision to end youth unemployment, the DHL UK Foundation supports like-minded charity partners across the UK through its strategic grant making scheme.

Last year we engaged over 750 colleagues, delivered over 200 GoTeach activities and directly reached over 5,500 students through these engagement opportunities. We have committed to funding plans with our long standing charity partners to help us and them reach more young people in need.

Charity Partners

Teach First exists to tackle educational inequality in the UK and does this by placing newly qualified teachers in schools in the most disadvantaged communities across the UK. Teach First is the UK affiliate of Teach for All and the partnership in the UK aligns with Deutsche Post DHL’s global GoTeach programme.

Teach First champion the idea that it only takes one brilliant teacher to change a child’s life. The charity has placed more than 10,000 teachers in low-income communities across the UK, supporting more than one million children to have a better quality education.

The DHL UK Foundation has been working in partnership with Teach First since 2015 helping the recruitment, training and support of Teach First teachers across the UK.

Colleagues have supported with the following activities;

  • Delivering an inspiring classroom career talk
  • Mentoring teachers
  • Supporting students with CV & Interview skills
  • Development of employability skills
  • Hosting students on site visits

Click here to read more about our incredible partnership:  DHL-UK-Foundation-Teach-First-celebration-report-2015-23.pdf (dhlukfoundation.org)

Street League help unemployed 16-24 year olds to move into sustained employment using the power of physical activities such as football and dance. Supporting the young who we help who need help the most, means that their programmes focus in areas with the highest youth unemployment rates where up to 1 in 5 16-24-year-olds are unemployed. With 80% of participants from the top 40% most deprived areas of the UK, Street League are tackling this problem head-on using the incredible power of sport.

Through their award-winning sport and employability ‘Academies’, unemployed young who we help gain the necessary skills, experience and confidence needed to gain sustained employment, often for the very first time. Street League have established 38 academies in 14 cities across the UK. The DHL UK Foundation is working with Street League to provide support across key locations throughout the UK.

DHL colleagues have supported with the following activities;

  • Sport sessions to support skill development
  • Supporting young who we help with CV & Interview skills
  • Hosting young who we help on site visits
  • Paid 100-hour work placements for over 140 young who we help

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that inspires young who we help to fulfil their potential through taking part in challenging outdoor experiences.

The DHL UK Foundation have worked in partnership with The Outward Bound Trust for over 10 years, making a lasting impact on the lives of disadvantaged young who we help local to DHL sites across the UK.

The outdoor education residential experience supports students to build resilience, confidence and to raise their aspirations. Young who we help who have taken part in the residential attend additional activities in school to gain an insight into the world of work, learn about the range of career opportunities available in the logistics industry and develop vital employability skills.

Colleagues have supported with the following activities;

  • Running assessment centres
  • Attending a 5-day residential in Wales or Scotland
  • Delivering an inspiring classroom / virtual career talk
  • Supporting students with CV & Interview skills
  • Development of employability skills
  • Hosting students on site visits

City Year is a UK-based youth social action charity that recruits 18-25 year old volunteers who dedicate an academic year to working in a school in a disadvantaged community to support students and help them achieve their potential. City Year is working with schools across London, Birmingham, West Midlands and Manchester.

City Year volunteers work with the school to target “at-risk” pupils with complex barriers or challenges and work to improve attendance, behavioural issues, and curriculum attainment. DHL colleagues provide support to both City Year volunteers and the partner schools.

Colleagues have supported with the following activities;

  • Delivering an inspiring career talk
  • Mentoring volunteers
  • Supporting volunteers with CV & Interview skills

ThinkForward aims to prevent youth unemployment and partners with 18 schools across London, Nottingham and Kent. The charity works with schools to identify students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are most likely to leave school without having a clear pathway into education, employment or training.

ThinkForward appoints specially trained coaches who work with the selected students for a period of 5 years from the age of 13 to 18 years. The coaches help the students improve their attendance, behaviour, attainment, and to prepare for the world of work.

DHL colleagues support ThinkForward students through;

  • Business mentoring programme for Year 10 students
  • Delivering an inspiring career talk
  • Supporting students with CV & Interview skills
  • Hosting students on site visits

The Greenwood Academies Trust (GAT) currently has 34 academies educating approximately 17,000 pupils across seven local authority areas in the UK including Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire, Leicester City, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Lincolnshire and Central Bedfordshire. All of the schools are situated in areas of high deprivation, with many students coming from very disadvantaged backgrounds. The DHL UK Foundation partnered with the Trust because many of the GAT schools are located close to DHL sites.

DHL colleagues support GAT schools and help students learn vital employability skills, to gain an understanding of the logistics industry and an awareness of the career opportunities available at DHL through the delivery of GoTeach activities.

Colleagues have supported with the following activities;

  • Delivering an inspiring classroom / virtual career talk
  • Mentoring students
  • Supporting students with CV & Interview skills
  • Hosting students on site visits

The Difference exists to improve the life-outcomes of the most vulnerable children by raising the status and expertise of those who educate them.

The Difference creates specialist senior school leaders, with the expertise to lead whole-school and multi-agency approaches to meeting the learning, wellbeing and safeguarding needs of all children, and most crucially those with high levels of need and vulnerability.

Through its programmes, research and partnerships, The Difference learns what works to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, and shares this best practice across its network and the sector.

In 2017, Difference founder Kiran Gill published a groundbreaking report with think-tank IPPR that shed light on school exclusions as a social justice issue.

The report showed that England’s most vulnerable children are disproportionately affected by exclusions. All too often, these children miss out on a quality education.

The Difference was founded to change this story – through work in three key areas.
– People
– Practice
– Policy

Place2Be  are committed to helping children and young people with their mental health, and the need for our services grows daily. 1 in 6 children in the UK experience mental health difficulties. Half of all mental health problems are established by age 14.


Place2Be’s approach to children’s and young people’s mental health is to intervene early to prevent life-long mental health issues.

They do this by:

  • providing support early, spotting mental health problems before they develop and helping children and young people cope with challenges throughout their lives
  • using an effective therapeutic approach backed by research that combines several ways of working
  • offering a range of mental health support services, including advice and support for families and school staff, to build resilience and raise awareness of mental health across the whole school community.

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